Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Supreme Court

As we all know the United States of America Supreme Court is the highest court in the United States and the most powerful judicial body in the world. After reading the Supreme Court article  I learned some things about the supreme court I wasn't previously aware of. 


One of the most interesting things that I did not know previously know is that the justices had to travel two times a year to some of the district courts around the U.S.. I found this to be very that they did this at one point because cases normally go through the smaller courts and I was very surprised that they would make America's highest justices do this for a long time. This was abolished in 1891 and has not been ever started up again since. 

Supreme Court sets rules on when public officials can block social media  users - ABC News

The article changed the way I see the court in how hard they work. The Supreme Court works incredibly hard especially the Chief Justice (John Roberts) who oversees so much when it comes to heading the weekly Supreme Court meetings and also sits on the board of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution. One of the biggest points about the Supreme Court works hard to uphold the law and protect America from the judicial side of things. They all work together to make America the best and safest place it can be by preserving democracy and the rights we have.

After learning all of these facts and information I have learned more about America's highest court system and some of the history behind it. I truly learned more about America’s court system and the moving pieces behind it.

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