Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Privacy Post

 We are in an age where privacy is becoming a major issue and something that is existing less and less in the media and in our daily lives. This has been taken away by the government and other media sources. The question is why does the government need to know everything about us and what we are doing. They don't need to in the end since America has been called the land of the free but, if it is the land of the free they wouldn't need to watch over us and our actions. 

Privacy by Design: Essential Guide for Small Business Owners - CookieYes

One thing I found interesting from one of the TED Talk's  that I had not really ever thought of or had seen was the license plate readers that exist all over the roads which I didn't know about. I thought this was interesting and I thought it was really interesting that this is something the government would want to know. Something else that makes me uncomfortable when it comes to privacy settings is that Facebook targets ads towards you based on what you like based on what you have searched in your browser. They have been selling your information to marketing firms and are trying to target you to buy their products. This is a huge invasion of privacy and violates the right to privacy when using electronic media. 

One thing I found interesting from the TED Talk about how you can avoid surveillance with your cell phone is that Apple claims they cannot see texts that you send and don't record any phone calls. I will say that this is extremely surprising to me since I thought that they used this all the time. This is how privacy should be. 

Practical Online Data Privacy - A Basic Guide for Everyone

American lawmakers need to know that it is not ok to have us be watched constantly. There needs to be legislation put in to place to protect us from violations of our privacy. We can make it known to our Representatives, Senators and Governors about this issue that we are concerned and hopefully push for protection. In order to retain some bit of privacy you have to be very careful of where you conduct your searches on the internet and what you look up since you don't know what is known and unknown. Hopefully privacy will get better with AI constantly becoming bigger in the U.S. and around the world and legislation will be put in place so Americans can be 

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