Sunday, April 7, 2024

EOTO Reflection

Our first EOTO presentation was very successful and all of our communication technology topics on our team were presented very well. We really did a great job communicating the importance of these different communication technology types. I learned many new and different things during the presentations and I had to say everybody in the class did a great job with communicating these types of technologies. 

Carrier Pigeons are something I did not now much about other than the fact that they existed and there were used a very long time ago. One thing I found very interesting was that they were used as messengers during World War I to send messages to people serving on the frontline. I found this to be very interesting since this was not something I had previously known. 

Another thing I didn't now about the First Electronic Mail or as we call it email was created in 1975. I assumed that it was created much later on more towards the late 90s when the internet really caught on. It is surprising that this came out in 1975 when computers had just started to be popularized in American culture. 

One more thing that I learned more about was the first USB flash drive when it was invented in 1999 by Trek 2000 international was that it was used to carry files wherever you could go. It's amazing to hear about how this was invented and what solutions it could solve by being the first form of a media cloud that we know today. 
TREK TD DUO THUMBDRIVE™ - 360° ROTATING 'A' n 'C' (Supports IPhone 15 – TREK  2000 WebStore
In conclusion, the EOTO's were very successful and I learned lots of valuable information about different communication technologies. 

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