Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Antiwar and are both two websites that have some very different takes on modern military operations in the United States of America that you would not necessarily find in the mainstream media. The media chooses not to report this and that is why we don't read up on some of this information as it is. - Wikipedia

A fair amount of the articles on both of these sites are about the Ukraine and Russian war and some of the details that mainstream media is not going to tell you or even talk about. These topics and some of the info discussed about these mainstream topics don't want to be reported. A lot of these sources don't want to talk about it since these companies are controlled by the mainstream companies. These two websites talk more in depth than the mainstream media about perspectives of the war. 

I believe that more people need to research for more sources like these as another type of source. Some of the sources like CNN and Fox talk about the main facts and don't go into the details and they don't want you to see the details. Also lots of mainstream media is either left or right and nowhere in between since most media is bias. These sources don't have the best track record and that is why these obscure sources are sometimes better. 

Home - The American Conservative

How to Tap into the Elusive Mainstream Media - Trade Press Services

The mainstream media is also censored with what they can say sometimes and the media loves to manipulate the general public. My suggestion is to read from more than 4 sources different types and viewpoints. You also have to worry about fake news and analyze what sources are truly important and credible so you see every side from different political viewpoints and also different types of sources such as the war sites and mainstream media. 

Final Post

 Today I'm here to talk about my relationship with technology and I will also highlight society's relationship with technology.

Technology has always been a major present factor in my life and I have always lived around it. I have used technology in the classroom and in my personal life. When I was 11 I was given my first iPhone and a year before that I was given my first laptop and this is where it started. I believe that I have a somewhat healthy relationship with technology and how I use it which is mainly for school and connecting with others. I also use technology to entertain myself whether it is by watching a movie or reading about historical events online. However, I do think, I along with a lot of other people have relied on technology a lot since “Gen Z sees technology as an extension of themselves, using it for entertainment, connection, and activism.” My digital footprint online is clean. I like many others have Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat. I was also formerly a member of TikTok but have since deleted it. I use a lot of these tools to post about my life and I also post some of my content as a musician where I will post videos of me playing the guitar. I also have a linkedin page where I can connect with others in different business industries. I think that I sometimes have spent too much time as my averages have been higher recently. Sometimes it is higher because I will leave my phone on even when I am not looking but I am trying to regulate my screen time and not use certain apps.

History of Technology Timeline | Britannica

Since I was looking into my presence online, I conducted a google search on myself to see what would come up when I searched for my own name. I have seen what has come up and it is positive. I found photos of me from my personal Instagram page which is mainly positive since I am very careful about what I post about and what I say. Some of the other things that came up when I searched was from my work at The Isabella Santos Foundation where I raised money for pediatric cancer research and worked for a summer. Overall my digital footprint was clean. 

Digital Footprints: What Do Your Footprints Say?

Our society has been more reliant on technology as it has become more available over time. As we saw in the mad world video we watched in this class we have seen that we have become very glued to our phones and other devices that we use. Technology no question is a wonder but we have seen lots of issues arise recently with the use of technology and I know from other friends and my own personal experience that this has caused some sleep issues, mental health issues and problems with overall health. But that does not mean that technology is a bad thing since as we have seen it work its wonders and has helped us so much over the years. We also have seen issues with fake news and misinformation as we have learned in the class which is another area of society that we have seen issues with technology. This is the darkside of technology in our society as we see it. 

Artificial intelligence has also become a big trend in the world and I think we will see an increase in these. AI is taking a lot from all of us including jobs. Things such as Identity theft will only grow with these along with the creation of deep fakes.

Technology and media will only grow in the future and all of the elements including artificial intelligence will grow. If a lot of us in society can limit our technology use a little more we can become healthier with our uses of technology and the time that we spend on it daily.

Antiwar  and  are both two websites that have some very different takes on modern military operations in th...